Members of the development team are actively on this subreddit to give the most up to date news on the game.ĮSRB Rating Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Drug Use, Strong LanguageįRIDAY THE 13TH and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © New Line Productions, Inc.

I have been a strong supporter of the "suck it up, buttercup" camp when it has come to the "Savini" Jason. However, the events of the last few days, and what I am sure is the ShitShow(tm) to come over this newest development regarding the skin, as well as the "accidental" release on PS4, is making me reconsider and think there needs to be an alternate solution. I won't get into the details (they are available elsewhere, including Gun's twitter) but there has been a new breech of Savini Jason - it's spreading like frigging wildfire on XBOX. You used to rarely see a Savini Jason - but suddenly every lobby you enter has him, and usually more than one (it's not uncommon to find a lobby with 3 or more of them and it's worse by the hour). Some people are "buying" this trick on eBay, but at this point lots of people are just doing it for folks for free. Given the nature of how it's being done, it's likely going to end up like the PS4 thing - how it's happening is different - they will find a way to shut it down (it happens because of shoddy code in how the game handles DLC) but the people who have it will get to keep it and Gun will just want everyone to forget about it. Hundreds if not thousands of non-kickstarters got it on PS4, and now easily many thousands have gotten it now on XBOX and who knows how many will before this is done.

The cat is so far out of the bag, the bag has been shredded. Give the current Savini Jason free as DLC ASAP to everyone on all platforms.Ĭreate a new Jason/variant - perhaps make billows of smoke follow him around, change his mask up - whatever - and then reissue DLC codes to all kickstarter backers who bought it. (Edit: to be clear, changed up appearance only - not any unique stats or anything - Savini Jason wasn't supposed to be more than a skin to begin with).

Kickstarter backers bought him sight unseen - they just bought a unique Jason skin. His look wasn't revealed until after the fact. So no one can say "I only bought it for that specific look to be exclusive". This is really the only solution left that has a decent chance of pleasing most people. It might be easy to think that MS is going to take these away, but considering how it's been done, I have severe doubts it technically can be undone. That is not to mention this fucking game is already a huge sore on their ass to begin with in terms of pissed off customers, I just don't think they are going to stir that pot further than GUN has already forced on them.